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Who is Seedling Coach for?

Our thriving clients are individuals looking for personalized 1:1 support as well as managers and leaders looking for team facilitation, coaching, and consulting in a corporate setting. Our coaching services are perfect for professionals who are anywhere from a few years into their careers to *just* moving up to the C-suite. Our clients have primarily been those immersed in tech, data , project management, and commerical real estate. Regardless of the form of work we do together — coaching, consulting, facilitation, or speaking — our aim is to move every client in a more fulfilling and aligned direction.

Shawna Martin Seedling Coach


Shawna Martin | CEO & Founder

Shawna has been a global technology leader for over 20 years. Her extensive experience in guiding and growing successful teams and mid-level leaders is where her passion for coaching, consulting, and facilitating began, Seedling Coach is where it continues to expand through her work as a career and money coach.

Shawna has developed a sustainable, nourishing, and yet fierce method of taking her clients’ careers to the next level. She has experience managing corporate budgets over $200M, is a Certified Personal Finance Counselor (CPFC), and has been a featured podcast guest for her expertise in helping individuals achieve their financial goals. Shawna always inspires broader perspectives, innovative approaches, and elevated excellence.

Take your next step powerfully.